Sunday, 30 October 2011

Don't panic!!

   I suppose it was inevitable that the moment I went on holiday, all hell broke loose.  Nobody volunteered to take notes for me at the rehearsals, but given the circumstances, I don't blame them.
   Essentially, just to keep readers almost up to date if not entirely in the loop, our venue has had to change.  Quite apart from the various meetings and thousands of emails flying through the virtualsphere (which have completely blown my monthly cap of downloaded material, by the way!), even once we had confirmed the new venue of Cooper School in Bicester, the amount of *additional* work necessary has been phenomenal.  Since I'm still away but taking advantage of some free internet access to update this (my phone won't let me anymore!), I don't know all the details of who has had to do what and what is still to be done, but the staging, the choreography, the seating, the front of house, the ticketing - all this and more has had to be re-examined.  So if ever anyone tells you that doing an amateur production is easier than a professional one, tell them to think again.  I know there are some very exhausted people out there already and we haven't started performances yet!
   I hope to be back on Wednesday for the rehearsal, so will fill in any gaps after that, but in the meantime, if anyone can lend some of the necessary props or help with painting the set, for however short a time, I gather it would be very much appreciated!

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